Everyone is in a hurry, cars honking, incredible skyscrapers
all around, $13 toll roads, a beautiful river, delicious pizza, impeccable
fashion…welcome to the city that never sleeps….New York City!
There truly is no city in the world quite like New York. It
appears to be a whole world in itself. So alive and so busy at all times. Where
in the world can you get freshly baked chocolate chip cookies delivered to your
place at 3am? New York! You can walk around in bustling Times Square and not
see a difference at 2pm or 2am.
But I have a question…what is the hurry? Everyone is
rushing. You can’t stand in line in a coffee shop and take a few seconds to
think about what you want without a line of people getting mad. It’s so funny
because you can instantly differentiate between the locals and tourists.
Especially those from Los Angeles, who are strolling behind everyone else. The
honking was noticeably loud. Drivers are so impatient and will honk at you if you
are one second late in turning or driving when the traffic light turns green.
The taxi cab drivers are ruthless when it comes to driving and changing lanes.
One thing is for sure, I could never drive in New York! And who charges $36 for
daily parking? Thank goodness for public transportation.
Kudos to the fashion! Everyone is dressed so beautifully, so
sharp and so poised. I was very impressed. I’m so disappointed when I see
people dressed in their pajamas out in public in Los Angeles.
Central Park is my favorite part of New York. Every time I
go there, I feel like I can spend all day there. It’s just so peaceful and
beautiful. The cherry blossoms were absolutely breathtaking. Combine that with
the lake as a backdrop and you have postcard worthy moments.
I love New York. I can visit anytime. However, I could never
live there. I need the beach life, where it’s ok to walk slowly, take a deep
breath and smell the roses.
Thank you New York for the absolutely perfect weather!! You
were a perfect host.
Until next time…safe travels!